Midlands Latino Community Development Corporation Expands at La Plaza de la Raza
After more than a decade in a small space, Midlands Latino Community Development Corporation (MLCDC) has opened a new 2,200-square foot training center at La Plaza de la Raza in South Omaha.
“This office is truly an investment in our community,” said Juan Montoya, Executive Director of MLCDC. “We are so excited to welcome our staff back to a space that will invite even more collaboration between the entrepreneurial community and our teams, while continuing to provide the services they need to be successful."
Montoya says the expansion happened at just the right time, as Omaha’s immigrant community continues to recover from the economic effects of the pandemic. “The new space signifies not only where we are right now, but where we are going to be in the future,” says Montoya. MLCDC is finalizing a rebranding process with a new name that will be announced this summer. In choosing its new location, MLCDC’s executive team made it a priority to choose a space that is central to the Latino community, as well as accessible to those with disabilities.
MLCDC’s new space at La Plaza de la Raza is designed to be a hub for entrepreneurship in South Omaha. Aesthetically and functionally, the center is welcoming and has space for both classes and 1-on-1 mentoring. The new location includes a conference room, computer station with a printer that clients can use, and classroom space for team members to provide services in Spanish, English, and Arabic.
“We see a real opportunity with this new space to not only collaborate better internally, but also to connect more closely with our clients,” said Montoya. “Being able to open a new space in such a central location will increase our team’s ability to meet and connect with clients in person, as well as with our community partners who support MLCDC’s mission.”
If you’re interested in learning more about Midlands Latino Community Development Corporation visit midlandslatinocdc.org.
“We are so excited to welcome our staff back to a space that will invite even more collaboration between the entrepreneurial community and our teams, while continuing to provide the services they need to be successful.”